Week 8/26-8/30/2019

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed loan agreement between the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and 1100 Eastern Ave., LLC in the amount of $11,387,395.00 to partially finance a portion of the acquisition, predevelopment and the new construction of 63 units of affordable residential rental housing to be located at 1101 Eastern Avenue, N.E., Washington, DC in Ward 7

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: CA 23-253
Circulated: 08/26/19
Official Action: 09/05/19

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed loan agreement between the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and TM DBT Limited Partnership in the amount of $13,877,898 to finance eligible expenses related to the construction of seventy-six (76) affordable rental units located at 1550 1st Street S.W., Washington, D.C., in Ward 6

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: CA 23-254
Circulated: 08/28/19
Official Action: 09/07/19

Introduced: 03/26/25

District of Columbia Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund ("OPED Trust Fund") Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: CFO 23-10
Circulated: 08/29/19
Official Action: 08/29/19