DC Council to Switch Over to .Gov Domain Name

Starting on September 6, the DC Council will be switching over from its longtime domain name, dccouncil.us, to the more secure, trusted, and accurate dccouncil.gov.

This will be only the second time in the Council’s history that we will be changing domain names. The Council’s inaugural website was rolled out in 1997 at dccouncil.washington.dc.us. Just a few years after that, we transitioned to dccouncil.us, and we have been at that domain ever since.

All email sent to current dccouncil.us email addresses will automatically be forwarded to the corresponding dccouncil.gov email addresses. Similarly, all links to existing dccouncil.us websites will automatically redirect to the corresponding dccouncil.gov pages. (Nevertheless, please update your address books, website links and bookmarks, etc. to the new dccouncil.gov equivalent.)

While every effort is being made to avoid any disruptions to the Council’s operations or to the public’s ability to interact with us, please keep in mind that the changeover is a complicated logistical effort with many moving parts. Some challenges are inevitable, so please bear with us if necessary.

The DOTGOV Online Trust in Government Act, as passed by Congress in 2019, encourages state and local government agencies to shift to .gov domain names in the interest of security and improved administration. Among other things, the law transfers authority over the .gov domain from its prior home in the General Services Administration to the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).3322