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Public Hearing • Business and Economic Development

Business & Economic Development Public Hearing


Wednesday, June 28, 2017
10:00 am
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Wilson Building Room 123
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, DC, 20004

The Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation:

The Committee invites the public to testify or to submit written testimony. Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing should contact Brandon Wallace at (202) 727-6683, or via e-mail at bwallace@dccouncil.us, and provide their name, telephone number, organizational affiliation, and title (if any) by close of business, June 26, 2017. Representatives of organizations will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for oral testimony, and individuals will be allowed a_ maximum of three minutes. However, the Chairperson reserves the right to adjust the time allocations. Witnesses should bring 15 single-sided copies of their written testimony and, if possible, also submit a copy of their testimony electronically to bwallace@dccouncil.us.