Public Roundtable • Business and Economic Development

Business & Economic Development Roundtable


Wednesday, October 02, 2024
01:00 pm
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Virtual Meeting/Room 500
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, DC, 20004

The Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Roundtable to the following Legislation:

  • Proposed Resolution 25-0964, the “Washington Convention and Sports Authority Board of Directors George T. Simpson Confirmation Resolution of 2024”
  • Proposed Resolution 25-0965, the “Washington Convention and Sports Authority Board of Directors Marisa Flowers Confirmation Resolution of 2024”
  • Proposed Resolution 25-0966, the “Washington Convention and Sports Authority Board of Directors Monica Ray Confirmation Resolution of 2024”
  • Proposed Resolution 25-0802, the “Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board Teri Janine Quinn Confirmation Resolution of 2024”

The Committee invites the public to testify, in-person or virtually, and to submit written testimony. Those who wish to testify must register using the Council’s Hearing Management System at by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2024. All public witnesses will be allowed a maximum of three minutes to testify. At the discretion of the Chair, the length of time provided for oral testimony may be reduced or extended.

Watch Live:
– On the Council site, at
– On the OCTFME site, at
– On TV, Channel 13 or 18

Witness list & testimony (if applicable/available):
– In the Hearing Management System, at


10.2 CBED RNDTBLE CBED Public Roundtable Notice