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Transportation and the Environment and Education Public Roundtable


Thursday, July 13, 2017
11:00 am
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Wilson Building Room 500
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, DC, 20004

The Committee invites the public to testify or to submit written testimony, which will be made

a part of the.official record.  Anyone wishing to testify should contact Ms. Aukima Benjamin,

Staff Assistant to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, at (202) 724-8062

or via e-mail at abenjamin@dccouncil.us.  Persons representing organizations will have five

minutes to present their testimony.  Individuals will have three minutes to present their

testimony.  Witnesses should bring eight copies of their written testimony and should submit

a copy of their testimony electronically to abenjamin@dccounciLus.


If you are unable to testify in person, written statements are encouraged and will be made a

part of the official record.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to Ms. Benjamin

at the following address:  Committee on Transportation and the Environment, John A. Wilson

Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 108, Washington, D.C. 20004.  Statements

may also be e-mailed to abenjamin@dccouncil.us or faxed to (202) 724-8118.  The record will

close at the end of the business day on July 27, 2017.