Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed multiyear with eFunds Corporation in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,553,794.59 to continue to provide electronic benefits transfer services to enable the District of Columbia to make electronic payments for federal benefit programs, including Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Interim Disability Assistance and the Rental Vendor Program for the Office of Finance and Treasury
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the CFO |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-389 |
Circulated: | 01/29/18 |
Official Action: | 03/14/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Homeland Security Commission Joseph Green Confirmation Resolution of 2017
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-600 (Withdrawn) |
Circulated: | 01/29/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - CFSA Grandparent Caregivers Program: Annual Status Report, CY2017
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-130 |
Circulated: | 01/29/18 |
Official Action: | 01/29/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Request to reprogram $14,200,000 of Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital funds budget authority and allotment from the Office of Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) to the Reverse Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital project and subsequently to the Local funds budget of DMPED was filed in the Office of the Secretary on January 29, 2018. This reprogramming is needed to fund New Communities projects that are not eligible for capital budget.
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | Reprog. 22-103 |
Circulated: | 01/30/18 |
Official Action: | 02/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Contract No. CFOPD-11-C-040, Electronic Benefits Transfer Services Approval Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the CFO |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-742 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-460 with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-743 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-460 with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-673 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Community Development Bhavna Ghia Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Government Operations |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-744 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia Anthony Hood Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-745 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/06/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington in the amount of $1,860,000.00 to provide Project Connect Services
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-390 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/10/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of January 8, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 22-67 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/14/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of January 17, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 22-68 |
Circulated: | 01/31/18 |
Official Action: | 02/14/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - A Report on Felony Crimes in the District of Columbia for 2016
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-132 |
Circulated: | 02/02/18 |
Official Action: | 02/02/18 |