Week 10/15-10/19/2018

Week 10/15-10/19/2018

Introduced: 03/26/25

Modification No. 2 to Contract No. DCPL-2018--0034C with Ingram Library Services LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCPL
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1040
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Modification No. 2 to Contract No. DCPL-2018--0034C with Ingram Library Services LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCPL
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1005
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Modification No. 2 to Contract No. DCPL-2018-C-0034A with Baker & Taylor Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCPL
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1041
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Modification No. 2 to Contract No. DCPL-2018-C-0034A with Baker & Taylor Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCPL
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1006
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Homeland Security Commission Edward Pearson Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: PR 22-1042
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Homeland Security Commission Joanna Turner Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: PR 22-1043
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Homeland Security Commission Brian Baker Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: PR 22-1044
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Corrections Information Council Charlie Whitaker Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: PR 22-1045
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Board of Dentistry Wesley Thomas Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1046
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Abatement and Condemnation of Nuisance Properties Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Attorney General
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1007
Circulated: 10/15/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Charter School Property Tax Clarification Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember Evans
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1008
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Amended Compensation Agreement between the District of Columbia and the Office of the Attorney General and the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1403, AFL-CIO (Compensation Unit 33) Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1047
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Salary Adjustment Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember Evans
Committee Assigned: Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1009
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Autonomous Vehicle Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1010
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Nursing Facility Quality of Care Fund Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1011
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Public Employee Relations Board Douglas Warshof Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1049
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Statewide Health Coordinating Council Karl Von Batten Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Statewide Health Coordinating Council Karl Von Batten Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1050
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Statewide Health Coordinating Council Emily Swartz Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1051
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Statewide Health Coordinating Council Stephen Neuman Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1052
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Office of Employee Appeals Clarence Labor Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1053
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Collective Bargaining Agreement between the District of Columbia Government Metropolitan Police Department and the D.C. Police Union (Fraternal Order of Police/Metropolitan Police Department (FOP/MPD) Labor Committee (Compensation Unit 3) Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1048
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Eviction Record Sealing Authority Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Cheh and Bonds Co-Sponsors: Allen, Nadeau, Grosso, Silverman
Committee Assigned: Sequentially to the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization and the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1012
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Care for LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors with HIV Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Cheh and Bonds Co-Sponsors: Allen, Evans, McDuffie, Todd, Gray, Nadeau, R. White, Grosso, Silverman, T. White and Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1013
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Limitations on Products Containing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Cheh and Bonds Co-Sponsors: Grosso
Committee Assigned: Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1014
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Special Education Rights for Youth Defendants Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Grosso, Nadeau, R. White, Gray, Evans, Allen, Cheh, McDuffie, T. White Co-Sponsors:
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1015
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Health Impact Assessment Program Establishment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Grosso, Nadeau, Gray, Todd Co-Sponsors: Allen, Bonds
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1016
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Student Loan Authority Establishment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Silverman, Cheh, Nadeau, Grosso, Bonds, Allen, T. White, McDuffie Co-Sponsors: Evans, Gray
Committee Assigned: Sequentially to the Committee on Education and the Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1017
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Submission Requirements Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1054
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Clarification of Hospital Closure Procedure Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie, R. White, Bonds, Gray and Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1055
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Clarification of Hospital Closure Procedure Emergency Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie, R. White, Bonds, Gray and Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1018
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Clarification of Hospital Closure Procedure Temporary Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie, R. White, Bonds, Gray and Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1019
Circulated: 10/16/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

The Office of the District of Columbia Auditor Fiscal Year 2019 Work Plan

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: AU 22-44
Circulated: 10/17/18
Official Action: 10/17/18

Board of Industrial Trades Keith Jones Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1056
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Board of Industrial Trades Robert Louis Smith Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1057
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Board of Industrial Trades Michael Dalton Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1058
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Richard Wilson Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: PR 22-1059
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Board of Physical Therapy Ana Quinones Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1060
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Health Benefit Authority Executive Board Khalid Pitts Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1061
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-1062
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Emergency Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1020
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Temporary Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1021
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1022
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/13/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - DOEE Annual Report: CY17 - eCycle DC: Electronics Product Stewardship Program Report

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-224
Circulated: 10/17/18
Official Action: 10/17/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of September 26, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-106
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/02/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of October 3, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-107
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 11/01/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Two (2) with Educology Solutions, Inc. with the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for MOBIS in a relatively short period

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: CA 22-656
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 10/28/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Networking for Future, Inc. with the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services in a relatively short period of time

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: CA 22-657
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 10/28/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract between the Department of Health and The Washington Humane Society dba Humane Rescue Alliance in the amount of $4,823,436.00 to provide comprehensive animal control and animal disease prevention services to protect the public health and safety of the residents and visitors of the District of Columbia

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-658
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 10/28/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Qualis Health in the amount of $5,360,676.66 to provide utilization reviews and quality improvement activities for more than 67,000 of the District’s Fee-For-Services (FFS) Medicaid Program participants

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-659
Circulated: 10/18/18
Official Action: 10/28/18