Week 10/8-10/12/2018

Week 10/8-10/12/2018

Introduced: 03/26/25

Housing Finance Agency provides notice of its proposal to issue a revenue bond financing in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000 for the new construction and equipping of the Providence Place Apartments project (the Development"). The Development is expected to located at 601 50th Street, NE. Washington, DC 20019 in Ward 7. After completion, the Development is expected to consist of one (1) building, containing a total of approximately ninety-three (93) residential rental units.

Sponsor(s): Chairman at the request of the DCHFA
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: HFA 22-22
Circulated: 10/09/18
Official Action: 11/29/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Housing Finance Agency provides notice of its proposal to issue a revenue bond financing in an amount not to exceed $24,625.000 for the new construction and equipping of the The Strand Residences (the Development"). The Development is expected to located at 5127 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20019 in Ward 7. After completion, the Development is expected to consist of one (1) building, containing a total of approximately eighty-nine (89) residential rental units.

Sponsor(s): Chairman at the request of the DCHFA
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: HFA 22-23
Circulated: 10/09/18
Official Action: 11/29/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Request to reprogram $1,208,788 of Capital funds budget authority and allotment within the Department of Corrections (DOC) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 11, 2018. This reprogramming is needed to conduct critical repairs for the prevention of widespread leakage and plumbing issues at DOC facilities

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-166
Circulated: 10/12/18
Official Action: 10/26/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - DOES Labor Standards Bureau Office of Workers' Compensation: Semi-Annual Compliance Report for January - June 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-223
Circulated: 10/12/18
Official Action: 10/12/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Significant Activity Report - Substantiated Investigation (OIG No. 2018-0933)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: IG 22-62
Circulated: 10/12/18
Official Action: 10/12/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Eviction Procedure Reform Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Bonds
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1039
Circulated: 10/12/18
Official Action: 10/16/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Eviction Procedure Reform Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Bonds
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1004
Circulated: 10/12/18
Official Action: 10/16/18