Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract modification to exercise Option Year Two (2) with The Coles Group, LLC with the minimum amount of $10.00 and a maximum amount of $10,000,000 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for MOBIS in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-674 |
Circulated: | 11/02/18 |
Official Action: | 11/12/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract modification to exercise Option Period Two (2) with Dell Marketing LP in the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 to provide the District with Microsoft Enterprise Agreements and Support
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Government Operations |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-675 |
Circulated: | 11/02/18 |
Official Action: | 11/12/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
DDS Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018 and Plan for Fiscal Year 2019 on Substitute Decision Makers and Psychotropic Medication Review for People with Developmental Disabilities
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-228 |
Circulated: | 11/02/18 |
Official Action: | 11/02/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract modification to exercise Option Period Two (2) with Dell Marketing LP in the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 to provide the District with Microsoft Enterprise Agreements and Support
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-676 |
Circulated: | 11/05/18 |
Official Action: | 12/12/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of October 25, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 22-114 |
Circulated: | 11/05/18 |
Official Action: | 11/20/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Correspondence from the CIC - USP Florence Administrative Maximum Security (ADX) Inspection Report and USP Florence-High Survey Report
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-229 |
Circulated: | 11/05/18 |
Official Action: | 11/05/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of October 15, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 22-115 |
Circulated: | 11/06/18 |
Official Action: | 11/21/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract with Mansfield Oil Company, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $11,500,000 to supply Regular, Mid-Grade, Diesel, Bio-Diesel, and Ethanol fuel to a variety of District fueling sites utilizing tanker or wagon delivery vehicles
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-677 |
Circulated: | 11/07/18 |
Official Action: | 11/17/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Three (3) with Kramer Consulting Services in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,500,000 to provide construction management services
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-678 |
Circulated: | 11/07/18 |
Official Action: | 11/17/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Three (3) with JDC Construction Company, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,500,000 to provide construction management services
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-679 |
Circulated: | 11/07/18 |
Official Action: | 11/17/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Audit of District of Columbia Agencies' Fund Reprogramming Practices
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | IG 22-65 |
Circulated: | 11/07/18 |
Official Action: | 11/07/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Medical Marijuana Ingestible Items Rulemaking Approval Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1111 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Change Order Nos. 10 through 20 to Contract No. DCAM-15-CS-0075 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1112 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Change Order Nos. 10 through 20 to Contract No. DCAM-15-CS-0075 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1025 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. DOEE-2016-C-0002 Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1113 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. DOEE-2016-C-0002 Emergency Approval Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1114 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
New Communities Initiative Bond Issuance Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1115 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
New Communities Initiative Bond Issuance Emergency Approval Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1116 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Modifications to HCA No. DCRL-2016-H1-0034 with God’s Anointed New Generation Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1117 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Modifications to HCA No. DCRL-2016-H1-0034 with God’s Anointed New Generation Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1026 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed multiyear contract with First Vehicle Services, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $21,729,947.12 to provide maintenance service for the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department vehicle fleet
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-680 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 12/22/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Modifications Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. CW56028 with Food & Friends, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1118 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Modifications Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. CW56028 with Food & Friends, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1027 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-436-A Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and GW Medical Faculty Inc Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1119 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-436-A Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and GW Medical Faculty Inc Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1028 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-435-A Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and GW Medical Faculty Inc Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1120 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-435-A Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and GW Medical Faculty Inc Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1029 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-465 Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and MazarsUSA Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1121 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Contract No. NFPHC-2018-465 Modification 1 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and MazarsUSA Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the NFPHC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1030 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
University of the District of Columbia Exclusive Pouring Rights Agreement with the Bottling Group LLC Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of UDC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1122 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
University of the District of Columbia Exclusive Pouring Rights Agreement with the Bottling Group LLC Emergency Approval Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of UDC |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1123 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/13/18 |
Introduced: 03/25/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Three (3) with BDO USA, LLP in the amount of $1,459,550.00 to continue to conduct the District Wide Single Audit of all agencies and component units of the District that received and expended federal grants and other administered federal awards in compliance with federal government requirements during the fiscal year on behalf of the District of Columbia’s Office of Integrity and Oversight (OIO)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the CFO |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-681 |
Circulated: | 11/08/18 |
Official Action: | 11/19/18 |