Week 12/10-12/14/2018

Introduced: 03/26/25

Board of Medicine Joelle Simpson Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1159
Circulated: 12/10/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation Board of Directors Robert Bobb Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: PR 22-1160
Circulated: 12/10/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Food Policy Director Ona Balkus Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: PR 22-1161
Circulated: 12/10/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Correspondence from the PSC – 2017 Annual Report

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-235
Circulated: 12/10/18
Official Action: 12/10/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Period Three (3) with Jacobs Project Management Co. in the minimum amount of $250 and the Not-to-Exceed amount $2,500,000 to provide construction management services

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: CA 22-706
Circulated: 12/11/18
Official Action: 12/21/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Request to reprogram $1,423,073 of Fiscal Year 2019 funds budget authority within the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (FEMS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on December 11, 2018. This reprogramming is needed to cover costs for emergency drugs, emergency tools and equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), PPE cleaning and inspection, self-contained breathing apparatus parts, uniforms, Rescue Squad equipment and supplies, entrance exam service, training, tuition reimbursement, and IT support.

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-189
Circulated: 12/12/18
Official Action: 01/05/19

Introduced: 03/26/25

Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1162
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1059
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Relocation of Passageway Easement in Square 696 Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1163
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Relocation of Passageway Easement in Square 696 Authorization Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1060
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Hidden Figures Way Designation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1164
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Hidden Figures Way Designation Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1061
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Revised Transfer of Jurisdiction over U.S. Reservation 724 (Lots 896 and 897 within Square 620) and Extinguishment of Covenants Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-1165
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Revised Transfer of Jurisdiction over U.S. Reservation 724 (Lots 896 and 897 within Square 620) and Extinguishment of Covenants Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-1062
Circulated: 12/13/18
Official Action: 12/18/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Three (3) with Donohoe Companies, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,035,232.80 for Consolidated Maintenance Services for the Unified Communications Center (UCC) and the Public Safety Communications Center ("the Centers")

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: CA 22-707
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise option period three (3) with The Standard Insurance Company in the amount of $18,765,086.00 to underwrite and administer the following insurance plans: a) Plan 1 - Group term; life accidental and dismemberment (AD&D); and conversion life insurance which shall include portable term life insurance, b) Plan 2 – Short term disability (STD) insurance, and Plan 3 – long term disability (LTD) insurance

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: CA 22-708
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Four (4) with Quality Plan Administrators, Inc. in the amount of $1,279,707.00 to provide a high quality, cost effective, and accessible prepaid vision care services plan for approximately 27,000 union and nonunion employees of the Government of the District of Columbia

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Number Assigned: CA 22-709
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Capital Care, Inc. in the amount of $1,696,275.56 to provide residential expenses and services not covered by Medicaid for approximately fifty-seven (57) individuals with IDD twenty-four (24) hours per day for three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services
Number Assigned: CA 22-710
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise option period two (2) with Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company in the amount of $12,407,930.00 to provide a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) and a Dental Preferred Provider Organization (DPPO) benefit program that will provide high quality, accessible dental services at competitive rates to approximately 18,500 employees of the District

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: CA 22-711
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Trusted Health Plan (District of Columbia), Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $276,449,479.00 to provide healthcare and pharmacy services for its Managed Care Program, consisting of: its Medicaid eligible population enrolled in the District Healthy Families Program (DCHFP) and the District Healthcare Alliance Program (Alliance) and Immigrant Children's Program (ICP)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-712
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed Sublease by and between the District of Columbia and Charter School Incubator Initiative for approximately 63, 00 rentable square feet of school space located at 2501 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE in Washington, DC

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee on Education
Number Assigned: CA 22-713
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise option year four (4) with Cisco Systems, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $20,000,000.00 to ensure the District continues having the ability to obtain communications equipment and associated Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) maintenance and training through the WSCA-NASPO cooperative agreement

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: CA 22-714
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract to exercise option year one (1) with Motir Services, Inc. in the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Temporary Support Services in a relatively short period of time

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: CA 22-715
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed sole source extension with Unity Health Care, Inc. in the amount of $6,783,470.50 for the continuation of inmate health care services for a population of 2,100 inmates housed in the Central Detention Facility (CDF), 1901 D Street, S.E. and the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) 1901 E Street, S.E., located in the District of Columbia

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: CA 22-716
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract between the Department of Health and Life Deeds Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,762,813.58 will provide comprehensive services necessary to operate as home-like environment for families experiencing homelessness located within the District

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services
Number Assigned: CA 22-717
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Turner Construction Company in the not-to-exceed amount of $13,000,000 to provide all necessary construction management at risk service for the preconstruction and construction related to the modernization of Eliot-Hine Middle School (the School”) located at 1830 Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee on Education
Number Assigned: CA 22-718
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract between the Department of Human Services and Community of Hope, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,188,626.00 to provide comprehensive services necessary to operate as home-like environment for families experiencing homelessness located within the District

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services
Number Assigned: CA 22-719
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract between the Department of Human Services and The National Center for Children and Families, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,344,394.13 to provide comprehensive services necessary to operate as home-like environment for families experiencing homelessness located within the District

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services
Number Assigned: CA 22-720
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with Amerigroup District of Columbia, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $276,449,479.00 to provide healthcare and pharmacy services for its Managed Care Program, consisting of: its Medicaid eligible population enrolled in the District Healthy Families Program (DCHFP) and the District Healthcare Alliance Program (Alliance) and Immigrant Children's Program (ICP)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-721
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18

Introduced: 03/26/25

Proposed contract with AmeriHealth Caritas District of Columbia, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $276,449,479.00 to provide healthcare and pharmacy services for its Managed Care Program, consisting of: its Medicaid eligible population enrolled in the District Healthy Families Program (DCHFP) and the District Healthcare Alliance Program (Alliance) and Immigrant Children's Program (ICP)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-722
Circulated: 12/14/18
Official Action: 12/24/18