Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Consumer Direct District of Columbia, LLC in the minimum amount of $1,848,720.00 and the maximum amount of $3,531,600.00 to provide (1) financial management services (FMS); (2) information and assistance services (I&A); and (3) support broker services to Medicaid participants enrolled in the District of Columbia’s (District’s) Medicaid Home Community-Based (HCBS) § 1915 (c) waivers
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-723 |
Circulated: | 12/15/18 |
Official Action: | 12/24/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - The Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report of the District of Columbia Office of Public-Private Partnerships
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Phil Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-236 |
Circulated: | 12/17/18 |
Official Action: | 12/17/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - Dockless Vehicle Sharing Demonstration: Phase 1 Evaluation
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Phil Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-237 |
Circulated: | 12/17/18 |
Official Action: | 12/17/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Office of Public-Private Partnerships Delegation of Authority Clarification Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1166 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Office of Public-Private Partnerships Delegation of Authority Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1063 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Power Line Underground Program Certified Business Enterprise Utilization Emergency Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1064 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Power Line Underground Program Certified Business Enterprise Utilization Temporary Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1065 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Extension of Time to Dispose of Fifth Street, N.W. and I Street, N.W. Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1168 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Extension of Time to Dispose of Fifth Street, N.W. and I Street, N.W. Emergency Amendment of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1066 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Commission on the Arts and Humanities Kymber Menkiti Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1169 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Commission on the Arts and Humanities Kay Kendall Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1170 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Commission on the Arts and Humanities Gretchen Wharton Confirmation Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1171 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Period Four (4) with Aetna Life Insurance in the amount of $438,890,496.72 to provide health insurance benefit plans (PPO, HMO, and CDHP) for employees of the District of Columbia government who were first hired on or after October 1, 1987, their eligible dependents, temporary continuation of coverage participants and retirees
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-724 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/28/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Period Four (4) with United Healthcare Insurance Company in the amount of $297,509,308.20 to provide a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) health insurance benefit plan for employees of the District of Columbia government who were first hired on or after October 1, 1987, their eligible dependents, temporary continuation of coverage participants and retirees
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-725 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/28/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise option period four (4) with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in the amount of $245,681.529.60 to provide a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) health insurance benefit plan for employees of the District of Columbia government who were first hired on or after October 1, 1987, their eligible dependents, temporary continuation of coverage participants and retirees
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-726 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/28/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic, Inc. in the amount of $5,167,297.00 for Design-Build and Maintenance Services for Community Renewable Energy Facility at Oxon Run
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-727 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/28/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Advisory Neighborhood Commission Security Fund Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | AU 22-47 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 12/18/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Medical Marijuana Relocation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1172 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Medical Marijuana Relocation Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1067 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Firearms Safety Omnibus Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1173 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Firearms Safety Omnibus Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1068 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Child Neglect and Sex Trafficking Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Nadeau |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1174 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Child Neglect and Sex Trafficking Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Nadeau |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1069 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Internet Sales Tax Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Evans and Chairman Mendelson |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1175 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Internet Sales Tax Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Evans and Chairman Mendelson |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1070 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Sports Wagering Lottery Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Evans |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 22-1176 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Sports Wagering Lottery Emergency Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Evans |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 22-1071 |
Circulated: | 12/18/18 |
Official Action: | 01/08/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to increase Option Period One (1) with The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,220,281.65 to provide management oversight for the homeless services Continuum of Care including a network of service providers for individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in the District
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-728 |
Circulated: | 12/19/18 |
Official Action: | 12/29/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with IdeaCrew, Inc. in the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for MOBIS Services in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-729 |
Circulated: | 12/19/18 |
Official Action: | 12/29/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Auctor Corporation in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,694,400.00 to provide programming updates and enhancements as well as day-to-day operational maintenance of the automated collection and enforcement system, know as the DC Child Support Enforcement System (DCCSES)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Attorney General |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | CA 22-730 |
Circulated: | 12/19/18 |
Official Action: | 12/29/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from DCTV - Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements For The Year Ended June 30, 2018 (with comparative totals for 2017)
Sponsor(s): | Correspondence from the Mayor - Dockless Vehicle Sharing Demonstration: Phase 1 Evaluation |
Committee Assigned: | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-238 |
Circulated: | 12/20/18 |
Official Action: | 12/20/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - Dockless Vehicle Sharing Demonstration: Phase 1 Evaluation
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 22-237 |
Circulated: | 12/20/18 |
Official Action: | 12/20/18 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Education”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Education |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0003 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Bonds |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0004 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Business and Economic Development”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember McDuffie |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0005 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Silverman |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0006 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Government Operations”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Todd |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Government Operations |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0007 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Finance and Revenue”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Evans |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0008 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Health”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0009 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0010 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Human Services”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Nadeau |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0011 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
“Council Period 22 Activity Report of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment”
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Cheh |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CR 22-0012 |