Introduced: 03/26/25
Comprehensive Code of Conduct of the District of Columbia Establishment and BEGA Amendment Act of 2018
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-103 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Tingey Square Designation Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-104 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modifications to Exercise Option Year Three (3) of Contract No. CW36154 with WM Recycle America, LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-88 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modifications to Exercise Option Year Three (3) of Contract No. CW36154 with WM Recycle America, LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-105 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modifications to Contract No. POKV-2006-C-0064 with Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-89 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modifications to Contract No. POKV-2006-C-0064 with Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-106 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Non-Profit Reimbursement Fairness Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers Nadeau. Silverman, Todd, Gray, Cheh, R. White, Allen, Bonds, Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-107 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Bryant Street Tax Increment Financing Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-90 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Bryant Street Tax Increment Financing Emergency Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-108 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Bryant Street Tax Increment Financing Temporary Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-109 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Bryant Street Tax Increment Financing Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-110 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Supporting Essential Workers Unemployment Insurance Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-91 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Supporting Essential Workers Unemployment Insurance Emergency Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-111 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the SBOE - 2018 Annual Report
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-21 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Board of Elections Domicile Requirement Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-92 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/20/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Board of Elections Domicile Requirement Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-112 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/20/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - FEMS Emergency Medical Services Transport Contract Authority Bi-Annual (April - September 2018)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-22 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - MPD A Report on MPD's Use of Body-Worn Cameras, January 1 - June 30, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-23 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - MPD A Report on MPD's Use of Body-Worn Cameras, July 1 - December 31, 2017
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-24 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - ONSE A Report on the Safer Stronger DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement's Pathways Program for 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-25 |
Circulated: | 02/04/19 |
Official Action: | 02/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Unfoldment, Inc. Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-113 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Senior Police Officer Retention Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-114 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Parent-led Cooperative Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-93 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Parent-led Cooperative Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-115 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Warehousing and Storage Eminent Domain Authority Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-116 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Underground Facilities Protection Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-117 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2019 Grant Budget Modifications of January 8, 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 23-8 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2019 Grant Budget Modifications of January 9, 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 23-9 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Request to reprogram $941,942 of Fiscal Year 2019 Local funds budget authority from multiple agencies to the D.C. Department of Human Resources (DCHR) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on February 4, 2019. This reprogramming is needed to implement a District-wide initiative to centralize the processing and approval of human resources data to ensure that employee information is correctly recorded in PeopleSoft.
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | Reprog. 23-5 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/19/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year One (1) with Chaedrol, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders in a relatively short period of time for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-17 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/15/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with First Choice Masonry, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,499,929.70 to provide on-call signing and pavement marking services that will improve bicycling safety and increase ridership throughout the District in support of the regional Capital Bike Share system
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-18 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/15/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
OIO Audit of the Inmate Welfare Fund Financial Statements for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | CFO 23-2 |
Circulated: | 02/05/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Sense of the Council Supporting the National Cherry Blossom Festival Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Evans, Todd, R. White, Nadeau, Gray, Silverman, Cheh, Grosso, Allen, McDuffie, Bonds, T. White and Chairman Mendelson |
Committee Assigned: | Retained by the Council |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-94 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Debt Buying Limitation Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Cheh Co-Sponsors: Evans, Bonds, Grosso, Silverman, T. White, Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Sequentially to the Committee on Business and Economic Development and the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-118 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Insurance Claims Consumer Protection Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Cheh Co-Sponsors: Grosso, Bonds, Evans |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-119 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Center for Firearm Violence Prevention Research Establishment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: McDuffie, Evans, Cheh, R. White, Silverman, Allen, Nadeau, Grosso, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-120 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Qualifications and Expansion Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Bonds, Grosso, R. White, Silverman, Evans Co-Sponsors: McDuffie, Gray, Nadeau |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-121 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Cashless Retailers Prohibition Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Grosso, Nadeau, Gray, Bonds, T. White, Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: Cheh |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-122 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Housing Production Trust Fund Transparency Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Silverman, R. White, Evans, Nadeau, Grosso, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Gray, Cheh, T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-123 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Student Loan Authority Establishment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Silverman, Cheh, Nadeau, Gray, R. White, Grosso, Bonds, Allen, Evans Co-Sponsors: McDuffie |
Committee Assigned: | Sequentially to the Committee on Education and the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-124 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District of Columbia Housing Authority Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Nadeau, Silverman, Evans, Grosso, R. White, Allen, Todd, Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-125 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Improving Voter Registration for New Tenants and Homeowners Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Allen, Nadeau, Bonds, Evans, R. White Co-Sponsors: Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-126 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Second Look Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Allen, Evans, McDuffie, R. White, Bonds, Cheh, Grosso, Nadeau Co-Sponsors: Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-127 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District Wounded Warrior Parking Permit Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, Grosso, R. White, Nadeau, Silverman, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Allen, Gray, Cheh, T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-128 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Veteran Retirement Income Tax Exclusion Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, Cheh, Grosso, R. White Co-Sponsors: Allen, Bonds, Evans |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-129 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District of Columbia Office of Resilience Establishment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, Evans, Cheh, Nadeau Co-Sponsors: Allen, Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Government Operations with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-130 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Ward 7 and Ward 8 Restaurant Incentive Program Establishment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Ward 7 and Ward 8 Restaurant Incentive Program Establishment Act of 2019 |
Committee Assigned: | Councilmembers: T. White, Gray Co-Sponsors: Bonds, Nadeau, Grosso, Allen |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-131 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Indoor Mold Remediation Enforcement Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers R. White, Evans, McDuffie, T. White, Bonds, Grosso, Nadeau, Todd, Allen Co-Sponsors: Gray, Cheh |
Committee Assigned: | Sequentially to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-132 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Supporting Essential Workers Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers: Silverman Co-Sponsors: Allen, McDuffie, Bonds, Gray, Nadeau, R. White, Cheh, Grosso, T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-133 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Government of the District of Columbia: Management Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | IG 23-16 |
Circulated: | 02/06/19 |
Official Action: | 02/06/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2019 Grant Budget Modifications of January 22, 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 23-10 |
Circulated: | 02/07/19 |
Official Action: | 02/22/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2019 Grant Budget Modifications of January 24, 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 23-11 |
Circulated: | 02/07/19 |
Official Action: | 02/22/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
FY 2019 Grant Budget Modifications of January 30, 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | GBM 23-12 |
Circulated: | 02/07/19 |
Official Action: | 02/22/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - Report on Felony Crime in the District of Columbia for 2017
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-26 |
Circulated: | 02/08/19 |
Official Action: | 02/08/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - DFHV Public Vehicles For-Hire Consumer Service Fund: FY19 Monthly Revenue Report - October 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-27 |
Circulated: | 02/08/19 |
Official Action: | 02/08/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - Annual Freedom of Information Act Report for Fiscal Year 2018 (October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-28 |
Circulated: | 02/08/19 |
Official Action: | 02/08/19 |