Week 4/9-4/13/2018

Week 4/9-4/13/2018

Introduced: 03/25/25

Contract 22-440 Disapproval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers T. White, Grosso and McDuffie
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-816
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of March 9, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-76
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/24/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of March 14, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-77
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/24/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Closing of a Public Alley in Square 748, S.O. 16-21105, Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-817
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Closing of a Public Alley in Square 748, S.O. 16-21105, Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-765
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Request to reprogram $28,995,171 of Capital funds budget authority and allotment within the District of Columbia Public Schools(DCPS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on April 9, 2018. This reprogramming is needed to fund Major Repairs/Maintenance, Ballou HS Modernization, Bruce Monroe & Park View ES Modernization, Orr ES Modernization, Garrison ES Modernization, Maury ES Modernization and Houston ES Modernization capital projects.

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Education
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-116
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/24/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Request to reprogram $2,000,000 of Capital funds budget authority and allotment within the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on April 9, 2018. This reprogramming is needed to support the D.C. Powerline Undergrounding (DCPLUG) initiative.

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-117
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/24/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Request to reprogram $2,219,130 of Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital funds budget authority and allotment from the Department of Transportation (DDOT) to the Reverse Pay-as-you-go (Paygo) Capital project and subsequently to the Local funds budgets of the Office of the city Administrator (OCA) and the Department of General Services (DGS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on April 9, 2018. This reprogramming is necessary to support the cost of consulting services for the evaluation of the Daly Building Modernization as a Public-Private Partnership.

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-118
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/24/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - DFHV Public Vehicles For-Hire Consumer Service Fund FY18 Monthly Revenue Report - February 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-158
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/09/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract to exercise option period three (3) with SB & Company, LLC in the amount of $1,936,481.56 to audit the District’s FY 2018 financial statements for the inclusion within the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: CA 22-443
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Period Three (3) with Community Bridge, Inc. in the amount of $3,132,798.44 to continue providing grounds maintenance services for District of Columbia government locations within Award Groups 1 (Wards 1 and 2), 2 (Wards 3 and 4) and 4 (Wards 7 and 8)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: CA 22-444
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Two (2) with Networking for Future in the amount not to exceed $8,650,000.00 to provide IT technical support to develop new functionality for DC Health Link

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-445
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract to Exercise Option Year Three (3) with National Service Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,220,485.56 to continue providing grounds maintenance services for District of Columbia government locations

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: CA 22-446
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Two (2) with New Light Technologies in the amount not to exceed $5,250,000.00 to provide IT technical support to develop new functionality for DC Health Link

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Health
Number Assigned: CA 22-447
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed contract with Obverse, Inc. with the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Information Technology Equipment and Software in a relatively short period of time

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: CA 22-448
Circulated: 04/09/18
Official Action: 04/20/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Washington International School Refunding Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: PR 22-818
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Georgetown Day School Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue
Number Assigned: PR 22-819
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Substance Abuse and Opioid Overdose Prevention Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: Bill 22-766
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture Patrick X. Williams Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-820
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Board of Barber and Cosmetology Kandace P. Murray Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-821
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Board of Barber and Cosmetology Cedrica Edwards Confirmation Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-822
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Stack Eight Project Disposition Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: PR 22-823
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

District of Columbia Corrections Information Council Governing Board Nkechi Taifa Appointment Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: PR 22-824
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Watkins Alley Designation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-825
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Watkins Alley Designation Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-767
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Swampoodle Park Designation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-826
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Swampoodle Park Designation Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Allen
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-768
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Cheh
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-827
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Cheh
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-769
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Lawrence E. Boone Elementary School Designation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember T. White
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-828
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Lawrence E. Boone Elementary School Designation Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember T. White
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-770
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Extension of Time to Dispose of 8th & O Streets, N.W. Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember McDuffie
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-829
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Extension of Time to Dispose of 8th & O Streets, N.W. Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember McDuffie
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-771
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Dedicated Funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember Evans
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-830
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Dedicated Funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Emergency Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember Evans
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-772
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Medical Marijuana Certified Business Enterprise Preference Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie and R. White
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: PR 22-831
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Medical Marijuana Certified Business Enterprise Preference Emergency Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie and R. White
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-773
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Medical Marijuana Certified Business Enterprise Preference Temporary Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie and R. White
Committee Assigned: Retained by the Council
Number Assigned: Bill 22-774
Circulated: 04/10/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Daylight Saving Time Preservation Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Evans Co-Sponsors: Bonds, Cheh, Todd and R. White
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-775
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

District of Columbia Education Research Advisory Board and Collaborative Establishment Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Cheh, R. White, Nadeau, Silverman, Allen, Gray and Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: Bonds and T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee on Education until Sept 30th and the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-776
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Sense of the Council to preserve the Integrity of Our National Census Count Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Bonds, R. White, Todd, Cheh, Grosso, Silverman, Nadeau, Allen, Gray Co-Sponsors: Chairman Mendelson
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: PR 22-832
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Pathways to District Government Careers Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Silverman, T. White, Allen, R. White, Gray, Evans, Nadeau, Todd, Grosso and Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: Cheh and McDuffie
Committee Assigned: Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Number Assigned: Bill 22-777
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Youth Vote Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Allen, Grosso, R. White, Bonds, Gray, Nadeau, T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Bill 22-778
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Distributed Energy Resources Authority Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Allen and Cheh Co-Sponsors:
Committee Assigned: Committee on Business and Economic Development with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Number Assigned: Bill 22-779
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Intrafamily Offenses and Anti-Stalking Orders Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Allen, Cheh, Grosso, Todd, Bonds, Evans, Nadeau, R. White, Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors:
Committee Assigned: Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
Number Assigned: Bill 22-780
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Blind Students Literacy and Education Rights Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Todd, Nadeau, Bonds Co-Sponsors: McDuffie, R. White, Grosso
Committee Assigned: Committee on Education
Number Assigned: Bill 22-781
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Cyber Civilian Collective Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Todd, Nadeau Co-Sponsors: Bonds, T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: Bill 22-782
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Small Business Cybersecurity Tax Credit Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Todd, Nadeau, Bonds, R. White Co-Sponsors:
Committee Assigned: Committee on Finance and Revenue with comments from the Committee on Business and Economic Development
Number Assigned: Bill 22-783
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Certified Professional Midwife Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Gray, Grosso, R. White, Evans, Bonds, Todd Co-Sponsors: Allen and Nadeau
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: Bill 22-784
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Patient Centered Maternal Care Program Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember(s): Gray, Grosso, Evans, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Nadeau, T. White, Allen
Committee Assigned: Committee on Health
Number Assigned: Bill 22-785
Circulated: 04/11/18
Official Action: 04/10/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Proposed multiyear contract between the District of Columbia Housing Authority ("DHCA") and Texas Gardens Partners LLC (the "Owner") in the amount of $208,896.00 to provide affordable housing units at MinnTex Apartments located at 3500 – 3510 Minnesota Avenue, SE and 1741 28th Street, SE

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: CA 22-449
Circulated: 03/28/18
Official Action: 05/26/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Agencies, Boards, and Commissions Jurisdiction Update Amendment Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember Todd
Committee Assigned: Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: Bill 22-786
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No. 2014-LRSP-09A Approval Resolution of 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCHA
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Number Assigned: PR 22-833
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Rev. W.W. Flood Way Designation Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-787
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Hannah Hawkins Place Designation Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-788
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Unfoldment, Inc. Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2018

Sponsor(s): Councilmember T. White
Committee Assigned: Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: Bill 22-789
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/17/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Grant Budget Modification of March 22, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-78
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/27/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Request to reprogram $2,097,862 of Fiscal Year 2018 Local funds budget authority within the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on April 12, 2018. This reprogramming ensures that OCTO can cover IT Consultant resources working on critical FY 2018 initiatives.

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee on Government Operations
Number Assigned: Reprog. 22-119
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 04/27/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - Private Security Camera Incentive Program Report

Sponsor(s): Chairman Phil Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-159
Circulated: 04/12/18
Official Action: 04/12/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - Emergency Medical Services Transport Contract Authority Quarterly Report (October - December 2017)

Sponsor(s): Chairman Phil Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-160
Circulated: 04/12/18
Official Action: 04/12/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

Correspondence from the Mayor - Healthy Public Buildings Assessment Act Report of 2017

Sponsor(s): Chairman Phil Mendelson
Number Assigned: RC 22-161
Circulated: 03/15/18
Official Action: 03/15/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of February 6, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-79
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of February 20, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-80
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of February 22, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-81
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of February 27, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-82
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of February 28, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-83
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of March 28, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-84
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18

Introduced: 03/25/25

FY 2018 Grant Budget Modifications of March 28, 2018

Sponsor(s): Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
Committee Assigned: Retained with comments from the Committee of the Whole
Number Assigned: GBM 22-85
Circulated: 04/13/18
Official Action: 05/01/18