Introduced: 03/26/25
Modification Nos. 14 and 15 to Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B with National Service Contractors, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-340 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modification Nos. 14 and 15 to Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B with National Service Contractors, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-313 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modification Nos. 3 and 4 to Contract No. CW47741 with AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-341 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Modification Nos. 3 and 4 to Contract No. CW47741 with AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-314 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year One (1) with Superior Services & Associates, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,406,032.00 for Comprehensive Janitorial Services for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) & Fire and Emergency Medical Services (FEMS)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement and the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-164 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/14/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Transformative Solutions, Inc. in the minimum amount of $10.00 and the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-165 |
Circulated: | 06/03/19 |
Official Action: | 06/14/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Public School Charter School Board James Sandman Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Education and the Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-342 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District Retirement Benefits Program Proposed Rulemaking Approval Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Labor and Workforce Development |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-343 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Rafi Aliya Crocket Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Business and Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-344 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Child Fatality Review Committee Marie Cohen Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-345 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Child Fatality Review Committee Claudia Booker Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-346 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Child Fatality Review Committee Jacqueline Francis Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-347 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Board of Social Work Danielle Nelson Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-348 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Beverly Jackson Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-349 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Washington Convention and Sports Authority Board of Directors Max Brown Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-350 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District Veteran Employment Grant Program Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, Bonds, Cheh Co-Sponsors: Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Government Operations |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-315 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Housing Finance Agency provides notice of its proposal to issue a revenue bond financing in an amount not to exceed $48,750,000 for the Kenilworth 166 project (the “Development”). The Development will be located at 4501 Quarles Street, NE, Washington, DC 20019, in Ward 7 which, after completion is expected to consist of one hundred sixty-six residential rental units.
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the DCHFA |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization |
Number Assigned: | HFA 23-5 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 10/03/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Historic Preservation Board Linda Greene Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of Mayor |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-163 (withdrawn) |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Historic Preservation Board Chris Landis Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of Mayor |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-165 (withdrawn) |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Advisory Committee on Street Harassment Karen Malovrh Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of Mayor |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-287 (withdrawn) |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District Department of Transportation: Report on the Examination of the District of Columbia's Highway Trust Fund Forecast Statements for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 with Actual Audited Figures for Fiscal Year 2018
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | IG 23-25 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
District of Columbia Public Schools: Internal Controls Need Improvement to Assure Compliance with Grading, Attendance, and Community Service Requirements
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | IG 23-26 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Tax Revision Commission Reestablishment Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Cheh, Todd, R. White, Evans, Allen, Bonds, Nadeau, Grosso Co-Sponsors: Gray, T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-316 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Go-Go Official Music of the District of Columbia Designation Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: McDuffie, Nadeau, Bonds, Evans, Cheh, Silverman, Allen, Grosso, Todd, R. White, T. White, Gray, and Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-317 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Sense of the Council Urging the Federal Government to End its Embargo Against Cuba Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Grosso, Cheh, Nadeau, R. White Co-Sponsors: Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-351 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Grosso, Nadeau, R. White, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Allen |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-318 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Vote by Mail Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Nadeau, Cheh, Grosso, McDuffie, Allen, R. White, Bonds, Evans Co-Sponsors: Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-319 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Special Police Officer Oversight Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Allen, Cheh, Gray, McDuffie, Silverman, T. White, Bonds, Evans, Grosso, Nadeau, Todd, R. White, and Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-320 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Small Business Cybersecurity Tax Credit Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, T. White, R. White, Bonds Co-Sponsors: Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Finance and Revenue with comments from the Committee on Business Economic Development |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-321 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Window Blind Safety Notification Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd, Bonds, R. White, Cheh Co-Sponsors: Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-322 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
DC Circulator Equity Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Todd Co-Sponsors: McDuffie, Gray, Grosso |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-323 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: R. White, Evans, McDuffie, Grosso, Nadeau, Gray, Allen, Cheh, Bonds, Silverman, Todd, T. White, and Chairman Mendelson Co-Sponsors: |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-324 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Dementia Training for Direct Care Workers Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Gray, Todd, Bonds, Evans Co-Sponsors: Allen, McDuffie, Cheh, Grosso, T. White |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-325 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Postpartum Coverage Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: Gray, Evans, Grosso, Nadeau, Allen, R. White, Bonds, Todd Co-Sponsors: McDuffie, Cheh, Silverman, T. White, and Chairman Mendelson |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-326 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
James E. Bunn Amphitheater Designation Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmembers: T. White, Evans, McDuffie, Silverman, Bonds, Grosso, Gray, R. White Co-Sponsors: |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-327 |
Circulated: | 06/04/19 |
Official Action: | 06/04/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Request to reprogram $1,500,000 of Fiscal Year 2019 Local funds budget authority within the Board of Elections (BOE) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on June 5, 2019. This reprogramming is needed to address a nonpersonal services spending pressure within the agency.
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety |
Number Assigned: | Reprog. 23-17 |
Circulated: | 06/05/19 |
Official Action: | 06/20/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with GCS, Inc. in amount of $20,673,000.00 to provide design-build services for the Ward 1 Short Term Family Housing (STFH) Facility, located at 2500 14th Street NW, Washington, DC ( the “Project”)
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement and the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-166 |
Circulated: | 06/05/19 |
Official Action: | 06/16/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Correspondence from the Mayor - An Assessment of the Need for Large Units in the District of Columbia
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson |
Number Assigned: | RC 23-74 |
Circulated: | 06/05/19 |
Official Action: | 06/05/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation Board of Directors Wayne Turnage Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-352 |
Circulated: | 06/07/19 |
Official Action: | 06/18/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation Board Directors Robert Bobb Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee on Health |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-353 |
Circulated: | 06/07/19 |
Official Action: | 06/18/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Historic Preservation Review Board Chris Landis Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-354 |
Circulated: | 06/07/19 |
Official Action: | 06/18/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Historic Preservation Review Board Linda Greene Confirmation Resolution of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | PR 23-355 |
Circulated: | 06/07/19 |
Official Action: | 06/18/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Closing of a Public Alley in Square 5017, S.O. 16-24507, Act of 2019
Sponsor(s): | Councilmember Gray |
Committee Assigned: | Committee of the Whole |
Number Assigned: | Bill 23-328 |
Circulated: | 06/07/19 |
Official Action: | 06/18/19 |