Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year Three (3) with Tandem Conglomerate, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for MOBIS in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-242 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract to exercise Option Year One (1) with The Triage Group, LLC in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-243 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with HRUCKUS LLC in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-244 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with District Floor Depot Inc. in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for industrial services in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-245 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with JLC Management, LLC in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Information Technology Equipment and Software in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-246 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Plwatcher Media Group, LLC in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-247 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Five Pearls Consulting Firm in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Information Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-248 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Networking for Future Inc. in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Temporary Support Services in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-249 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with SPC Business Consulting, LLC in the minimum amount of $10.00 and a proposed not-to-exceed amount of $10,000,000.00 will enable the District to have the flexibility to issue multiple orders for Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) in a relatively short period of time
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Facilities and Procurement |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-250 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed Human Care Agreement for Option Period One (1) with KRA Corporation in the not-to-exceed amount of $4,399,237.00 to provide Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Education and Occupational Training (EOT) Services for the authorized PIT amount of 300 participants in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Human Services |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-251 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |
Introduced: 03/26/25
Proposed contract with Johnson Truck Center, LLC in the amount of $1,250,520.00 to provide six (6) dump trucks with liquid pre-wet system to the District Department of Transportation
Sponsor(s): | Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor |
Committee Assigned: | Retained with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment |
Number Assigned: | CA 23-252 |
Circulated: | 08/19/19 |
Official Action: | 08/30/19 |