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Public Roundtable • Executive Administration and Labor
Executive Administration & Labor Roundtable
The Committee of Executive Administration & Labor will hold a Roundtable on the following Matter:
- Labor Relations in the District of Columbia
Persons who wish to testify must register using the Council’s Hearing Management System at https://lims.dccouncil.gov/hearings or phone the Committee at (202) 724-8198, at least by Tuesday, December 10, 2024, two business days before the hearing. Each witness will receive an individual Zoom invitation for the hearing in a separate e-mail. Witnesses are encouraged to submit an electronic version of their testimony. Testimony should be submitted through the Council’s Hearing Management System at https://lims.dccouncil.gov/hearings in advance of the hearing. Oral testimony will be limited to 5 minutes for those testifying on behalf of an organization and 3 minutes for those testifying on behalf of themselves.
Watch Live:
– On the Council site, at https://bit.ly/2ooL0l1
Witness list & testimony (if applicable/available):
– In the Hearing Management System, at https://bit.ly/3ZIRIQD
12.12 EAL RNDTBLE CEAL Labor Roundtable Notice 12.12.25