Health Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0228, Safe Disposal of Pharmaceuticals Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0666, Women, Infants, and Children Program Expansion Act of 2018 B22-0688, Athletic Trainers Clarification Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0840, LGBTQ Health Data Collection Amendment Act of 2018 B22-1001, Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Act of […]

Judiciary & Public Safety Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-014, the "Employment Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Offenses, and Stalking Amendment Act of 2018" B22-312, the "Voting Rights Notification Amendment Act of 2018"  

Labor & Workforce Development Public Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR22-1048, “Collective Bargaining Agreement between the District of Columbia Government Metropolitan Police Department and the D.C. Police Union (Fraternal Order of Police/Metropolitan Police Department (FOP/MPD) Labor Committee (Compensation Unit 3) Approval Resolution of 2018 Those who wish to testify […]

Government Operations Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Government Operations will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-574, the “Paperwork Reduction and Data Collection Act of 2018” B22-842, the “District Historical Records Advisory Board Amendment Act of 2018" B22-1009, the “Salary Adjustment Amendment Act of 2018” If you have any questions, please contact Manuel Geraldo, Senior Legislative by either […]

Business & Economic Development Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-845, “Local Communities Having Opportunities to Promote Equity Grant Fund Establishment Act of 2018” B22-948, “Small Business Bonding Program Establishment Act of 2018”  

Health Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-1001, “Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Act of 2018” The Committee invites the public to testify at the hearing. Those who wish to testify should contact Malcolm Cameron, Commi t tee Legislat ive Analyst at (202) 654-6179 or, and provide your name, […]

Finance & Revenue Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Finance & Revenue will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: PR22-1024, the "American College of Cardiology Foundation Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018" PR22-1028, the "Meridian Public Charter School Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018" Bill22-914, the "Internet Sales Tax Amendment Act of 2018"  

Transportation & Environment Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Transportation & the Environment will hold an Additional Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-223, the Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act of 2018 B22-618,the Driver's License Revocation Fairness Amendment Act of 2018 B22-661, the Rear-Facing Car Seat Safety Amendment Act of 2018 B22-740, the Electronic Proof of Automobile Insurance Amendment Act […]

Health Regular Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: Bill 22-0480, Vulnerable Population and Employer Protection Amendment Act of 2018  Bill 22-0924, Program of All-inclusive for the Elderly Establishment Act of 2018  Bill 22-0959, East End Health Equity Act of 2018  Bill 22-0960, Breast Density Screening and Notification Act of 2018  Bill […]

Judiciary Public Safety Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0778, the "Youth Vote Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0472, the "Sexual Blackmail Elimination and Immigrant Protection Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0572, the "Wage Garnishment Fairness Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0628, the "Revised Synthetics Abatement and Full Enforcement Drug Control […]

Judiciary & Public Safety Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0020, the "Structured Settlements and Automatic Renewal Protections Act of 2018" B22-0107, the "Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act of 2018"  

Human Services Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Human Services will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-97, the “Foster Parent Training Regulation Amendment Act of 2018”

Business & Economic Development Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-917 “Approval of the Comcast of the District, LLC Cable Television System Franchise Act of 2018” B22-928 “Approval of the Starpower Communications Open Video System Franchise Act of 2018” B22-509 “Athletic Commission Amendment Act of 2018” The Committee invites […]

Labor & Workforce Development Public Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR22-0993, "Compensation and Working Conditions Agreement between the District of Columbia Public Schools and Teamsters Local 639 Approval Resolution of 2018" and PR22-1003, "Compensation and Working Conditions Agreement Between the Department of Behavioral Health and Employees Who Are Represented […]

Labor & Workforce Development Public Oversight Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Matter: Implementation of Law 21-264, The Universal Paid Leave Act Those who wish to testify before the Committee are asked to contact Ms. Charnisa Royster at or (202) 724-7772 by noon on Monday, October 1, 2018, to provide […]

Health Regular Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: Bill 22-0597, Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2018 Bill 22-0690, Study of Long-Term Care Services and Supports Act of 2018 Bill 22-0742, Mental Health Information Disclosure Amendment Act of 2018 Bill 22-0743, Preservation of Electronic Recordings of Meetings Amendment Act of 2018  Bill […]

Business & Economic Development Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-814, “Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act of 2018” B22-276, “Principal Based Reserves Amendment Act of 2017” B22-432, “Financial Services Consumer Protection Act of 2017” B22-422, “Protection of Seniors and Vulnerable Adults from Financial Exploitation Act […]

Labor & Workforce Development Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-777, “Pathways to District Government Careers Amendment Act of 2018”

Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0326: Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Purchase Cards Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0348: Advisory Neighborhood Commission Candidate Proof of Residence Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0570: Rental Housing Affordability Re-establishment Amendment Act of 2018