Wilson Building Room 123
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- Wilson Building Room 123
Washington, DC 20004 United States Get Directions
Health Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0228, Safe Disposal of Pharmaceuticals Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0666, Women, Infants, and Children Program Expansion Act of 2018 B22-0688, Athletic Trainers Clarification Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0840, LGBTQ Health Data Collection Amendment Act of 2018 B22-1001, Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Act of […]
Judiciary & Public Safety Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-014, the "Employment Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Offenses, and Stalking Amendment Act of 2018" B22-312, the "Voting Rights Notification Amendment Act of 2018"
Labor & Workforce Development Public Roundtable
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR22-1048, “Collective Bargaining Agreement between the District of Columbia Government Metropolitan Police Department and the D.C. Police Union (Fraternal Order of Police/Metropolitan Police Department (FOP/MPD) Labor Committee (Compensation Unit 3) Approval Resolution of 2018 Those who wish to testify […]
Government Operations Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Government Operations will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-574, the “Paperwork Reduction and Data Collection Act of 2018” B22-842, the “District Historical Records Advisory Board Amendment Act of 2018" B22-1009, the “Salary Adjustment Amendment Act of 2018” If you have any questions, please contact Manuel Geraldo, Senior Legislative by either […]
Business & Economic Development Public Hearing
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-845, “Local Communities Having Opportunities to Promote Equity Grant Fund Establishment Act of 2018” B22-948, “Small Business Bonding Program Establishment Act of 2018”
Health Public Hearing
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Health will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-1001, “Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Act of 2018” The Committee invites the public to testify at the hearing. Those who wish to testify should contact Malcolm Cameron, Commi t tee Legislat ive Analyst at (202) 654-6179 or mcameron@dccouncil.us, and provide your name, […]
Finance & Revenue Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Finance & Revenue will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: PR22-1024, the "American College of Cardiology Foundation Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018" PR22-1028, the "Meridian Public Charter School Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2018" Bill22-914, the "Internet Sales Tax Amendment Act of 2018"
Transportation & Environment Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Transportation & the Environment will hold an Additional Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-223, the Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act of 2018 B22-618,the Driver's License Revocation Fairness Amendment Act of 2018 B22-661, the Rear-Facing Car Seat Safety Amendment Act of 2018 B22-740, the Electronic Proof of Automobile Insurance Amendment Act […]
Health Regular Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: Bill 22-0480, Vulnerable Population and Employer Protection Amendment Act of 2018 Bill 22-0924, Program of All-inclusive for the Elderly Establishment Act of 2018 Bill 22-0959, East End Health Equity Act of 2018 Bill 22-0960, Breast Density Screening and Notification Act of 2018 Bill […]
Judiciary Public Safety Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0778, the "Youth Vote Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0472, the "Sexual Blackmail Elimination and Immigrant Protection Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0572, the "Wage Garnishment Fairness Amendment Act of 2018" B22-0628, the "Revised Synthetics Abatement and Full Enforcement Drug Control […]
Judiciary & Public Safety Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0020, the "Structured Settlements and Automatic Renewal Protections Act of 2018" B22-0107, the "Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act of 2018"
Human Services Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Human Services will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-97, the “Foster Parent Training Regulation Amendment Act of 2018”
Business & Economic Development Public Hearing
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-917 “Approval of the Comcast of the District, LLC Cable Television System Franchise Act of 2018” B22-928 “Approval of the Starpower Communications Open Video System Franchise Act of 2018” B22-509 “Athletic Commission Amendment Act of 2018” The Committee invites […]
Labor & Workforce Development Public Roundtable
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR22-0993, "Compensation and Working Conditions Agreement between the District of Columbia Public Schools and Teamsters Local 639 Approval Resolution of 2018" and PR22-1003, "Compensation and Working Conditions Agreement Between the Department of Behavioral Health and Employees Who Are Represented […]
Labor & Workforce Development Public Oversight Roundtable
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Matter: Implementation of Law 21-264, The Universal Paid Leave Act Those who wish to testify before the Committee are asked to contact Ms. Charnisa Royster at labor@dccouncil.us or (202) 724-7772 by noon on Monday, October 1, 2018, to provide […]
Health Regular Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Health will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: Bill 22-0597, Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2018 Bill 22-0690, Study of Long-Term Care Services and Supports Act of 2018 Bill 22-0742, Mental Health Information Disclosure Amendment Act of 2018 Bill 22-0743, Preservation of Electronic Recordings of Meetings Amendment Act of 2018 Bill […]
Business & Economic Development Public Hearing
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Business & Economic Development will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-814, “Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act of 2018” B22-276, “Principal Based Reserves Amendment Act of 2017” B22-432, “Financial Services Consumer Protection Act of 2017” B22-422, “Protection of Seniors and Vulnerable Adults from Financial Exploitation Act […]
Labor & Workforce Development Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Labor & Workforce Development will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-777, “Pathways to District Government Careers Amendment Act of 2018”
Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Additional Meeting
Wilson Building Room 123 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United StatesThe Committee on Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: B22-0326: Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Purchase Cards Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0348: Advisory Neighborhood Commission Candidate Proof of Residence Amendment Act of 2018 B22-0570: Rental Housing Affordability Re-establishment Amendment Act of 2018