Health Public Oversight Roundtable Notice

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committees on Education will hold a Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Legislation: "THE FY18 AND FY19 CAPITAL BUDGET FOR UNITED MEDICAL CENTER" The Committee invites the public to testify at the roundtable. Those who wish to testify should contact Malcolm Cameron, Committee Legislative Analyst at (202) 654-6179 or, and provide your name, organizational […]

Finance & Revenue Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Finance & Revenue will hold a Meeting on the following Legislation: PR 22-322, the "St. John's College High School Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2017" PR 22-329, the "National Urban League, Inc., Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2017"

Health Public Oversight Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: "THE DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH'S REALIGNMENT PLAN AND OPIOID STRATEGIES" The Committee invites the public to testify at the roundtable. Those who wish to testify should contact Malcolm Cameron, Committee Legislative Analyst at (202) 654-6179 or, and provide your name, organizational […]

Committee of the Whole Public Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee of the Whole will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR 22-278, the "Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia Robert Miller Confirmation Resolution of 2017" Those who wish to testify are asked to email the Committee of the Whole at, or to call Sydney Hawthorne, Legislative Counsel at (202) […]

Committee of the Whole Public Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee of the Whole will hold a Public Roundtable on the following Legislation: PR 22-279, Contract Appeals Board Monica Parchment Confirmation Resolution of 2017 Those who wish to testify are asked to email the Committee of the Whole at, or call Evan Cash, Committee and Legislative Director at (202) 724-7002, and to provide […]

Legislative Meeting

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

Health & Education Joint Public Oversight Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Health & the Committee on Education will hold a Joint Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Matter: "The Department of Behavioral Health's Proposed School-Based Behavioral Health Comprehensive Plan" The Committee invites the public to testify at the roundtable. Those who wish to testify should contact Malcolm Cameron, Committee Legislative Analyst at (202) […]

Health Public Roundtable

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

Additional Committee of the Whole Meeting

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee of the Whole will hold an Additional Meeting.

Health Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committees on Health will hold a Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-176, the "Health Care Revolving Fund Act of 2017" B22-231, the "Department of Health Care Finance D.C. HealthCare Alliance Amendment Act of 2017" B22-232, the "School Health Innovations Grant Act of 2017" The Committee invites the public to testify at the hearing. […]

COW , Business & Economic Development, & the Committee on Health Joint Public Hearing

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee of the Whole, the Committee on Business & Economic Development, & the Committee on Health will hold a Joint Public Hearing on the following Legislation: B22-207, the "East End Health Care Desert, Retail Desert, and Food Desert Elimination Act of 2017" The Committee invites the public to testify at the hearing. Those who wish […]

Health Additional Meeting

Wilson Building Room 500 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on the Health will hold a Meeting on the following Matter & Legislation: Draft Report and Recommendations of the Committee on Health on the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request and Budget Support Act for Agencies under its purview  PR 22-295, the "Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation Board of Directors Wayne Turnage Confirmation Resolution of 2017”