Public Works & Operations Commission on Human Rights PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Contract Appeals Board PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Department of For-Hire Vehicles PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Department of Public Works PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Office of Administrative Hearings PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Office of Contracting and Procurement PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Office of Human Rights PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Office of Risk Management PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Office of the Chief Technology Officer PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments