Legislation Requests for February 4, 2020 Legislative Meeting
Chairman Phil Mendelson
- PR23-650, University of the District of Columbia, Contract No. GF-2020-C-0008 Approval Resolution of 2020
- PR23-231 – Sense of the Council Urging Fair and Equitable Funding for District of Columbia Schools Resolution of 2019
Councilmember Anita Bonds
- PR23-0659, the “Condominium Warranty Claims Clarification Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- B23-0621, the “Condominium Warranty Claims Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2020”
- B23-0622, the “Condominium Warranty Claims Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2020”
Councilmember David Grosso
- Non-Public Student Educational Continuity Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020
- Non-Public Student Educational Continuity Emergency Amendment Act of 2020
- Non-Public Student Educational Continuity Temporary Amendment Act of 2020
- “Victor Shargai Recognition Resolution of 2020”
- “Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Recognition Resolution of 2020”
Councilmember Elissa Silverman
- PR23-563, “Public Employee Relations Board Peter Winkler Confirmation Resolution of 2020”
- B23-531, “Collective Bargaining Fair Compare Amendment Act of 2020”
- B23-133, “Supporting Essential Workers Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act of 2020”
Councilmember Robert C. White, Jr.
- “Washington Metropolitan Opportunity Academy Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Washington Metropolitan Opportunity Academy Emergency Amendment Act of 2020”
- “Washington Metropolitan Opportunity Academy Temporary Amendment Act of 2020”
- “Contract No. DCAM-19-CS-RFQ-0001S and Modification No. 1 with Thiha, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Contract No. DCAM-19-CS-RFQ-0001S and Modification No. 1 with Thiha, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2020”
- Seafarers Yacht Club 75th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2020
Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau
- Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-C-0003 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2020”
- “Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-C-0003 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
Councilmember Mary M. Cheh
- Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-C-0003 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2020
- Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-C-0003 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020
- CleanEnergy DC Omnibus Temporary Amendment Act of 2020
- CleanEnergy DC Omnibus Emergency Amendment Act of 2020
- CleanEnergy DC Omnibus Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020
- B23-228, the Legitimate Theater Sidewalk Café Authorization Amendment Act of 2020
Councilmember Brandon T. Todd
- ROSA Loophole Elimination Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020
- ROSA Loophole Elimination Emergency Amendment Act of 2020
- ROSA Loophole Elimination Temporary Amendment Act of 2020
- B23-130 – District of Columbia Office of Resilience and Recovery Establishment Act of 2020
- B23-434 – Strengthening Reproductive Health Protections Amendment Act of 2020
- “PR23-0646 – Sense of the Council Urging the District Department of Transportation to Annually Recognize Bus to Work Day Resolution of 2020”
Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
- “Warehousing and Storage Eminent Domain Authority Amendment Act Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Warehousing and Storage Eminent Domain Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2020”
- “Warehousing and Storage Eminent Domain Authority Temporary Amendment Act of 2020”
- “Reprogramming Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Funds in the amount of $1,490,000 from the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency to the Department of General Services for the proposed purchase of the W Street Transfer Station Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Reprogramming Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Funds in the amount of $1,490,000 from the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency to the Department of General Services for the proposed purchase of the W Street Transfer Station Emergency Approval Act of 2020”
- PR23-0645, the “Sense of the Council in Support of the Langston Initiative Resolution of 2020”
- B23-0564, the “Freedom Forum, Inc. Real Property Tax Exemption and Equitable Real Property Amendment Act of 2020”
- Proposed Resolution 23-0538, the “Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Jeni Hansen Confirmation Resolution of 2020”
- Bill 23-0189, the “Credit Union Act of 2020”;
- Bill 23-0276, the “National League of American Pen Women Real Property Tax Exemption Act of 2020”; and
- Bill 23-0404, the “Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Limited Grant Making Authority for Check It Enterprises Amendment Act of 2020”
- The “Coach Desmond Dunham 2019 National Coach of the Year Recognition Resolution of 2020.”
Councilmember Charles Allen
- “Purchase Order 599358-V3 and Modification Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. CW67691 with Keefe Commissary Network, LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Purchase Order 599358-V3 and Modification Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. CW67691 with Keefe Commissary Network, LLC Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2020”
- “Community Harassment Prevention Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020”
- “Community Harassment Prevention Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2020”
Councilmember Vincent C. Gray
- Modification Nos. 8, 9 and 10 to Contract No. RM-17-C-050-BY4-DJW with Anchor Mental Health Association, Inc. Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2020
- Modification Nos. 8, 9 and 10 to Contract No. RM-17-C-050-BY$-DJW with Anchor Mental Health Association, Inc. Approval and Payment Emergency Act of 2020
- Missionary Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Washington, D.C. and Vicinity Recognition Resolution of 2020
- Bill 23-0202, the “Certified Professional Midwife Act of 2020”
- “Amha W. Selassie Recognition Resolution of 2020”