Housing Advisory Neighborhood Commissions PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Board of Real Estate Appraisers PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Commission on Re-Entry and Returning Citizen Affairs PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Department of Human Services PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Department of Housing and Community Development PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments pt. 1 Attachments pt. 2 Attachments pt. 3 District of Columbia Housing Authority PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Housing Finance Agency PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Interagency Council on Homelessness PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Attachments Office of the Tenant Advocate PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Office on Returning Citizen Affairs PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Real Estate Commission PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses Rental Housing Commission PERFORMANCE OVERSIGHT RESPONSES Performance Oversight Responses